No lettering at all apart from road name and reporting marks, one sound for different kinds of GE Diesel prime movers. Steve.Have you taken a good look at the trains supplied with Raton Pass? They look like simplified models with many details removed to spare on polygons. I would've personally liked a brand new desert route from DTG, Marias Pass is 9 years old now, Sherman Hill is 6 years old, so, something a bit more newer would be nice, with some more up to date cactus and other appropriate flora and fauna, we can but dream. Milepost Simulations developed Raton Pass, it looks like a cross between Feather River Canyon and Soldier Summit, with the same rockface textures and walls and boulders copied and pasted across the whole route, so, no wow factor for me, either. Raton Pass doesn't make the cut for me.TSW always has had serious in-house competition from TS2018, ever since it was released, it'll be 5 years in October since its inception, and they are still light years behind what the original Kuju game offers, with it's draw distance, cameras, engine and horn sounds, occlusions, dynamic brakes, blimey, the list is endless of what we can do in TS2018.
TS19 going 64 bit nonwithstanding, DTG needs to up its game on the route and trains DLC. Adding multi core support to TS19 would be the next big improvement, but I think that is beyond the scope and intentions of DTG.įor it would give TSW very serious in-house competition, and as long as TSW has no creativity tools, TS19 will remain the program of choice for creators of routes.